Monday, April 17, 2006

Why I don't like hybrid cars

They're the vehicle of choice of Paragons of virtue. They're incentivized with tax breaks. They're cool and allow their drivers to look down on other people. They're deemed good for the environment.

Then why don't I like hybrid cars?

I'm green and have argued repeatedly in the past, including in public and political settings, that we should reduce our oil consumption. I make a point of not owning a car. I sigh and argue when I hear about "high oil prices". I wish everybody would take the environmental impact more seriously.

Then why don't' I like hybrid cars?

Because hybrid cars are not good for the environment. They're just "less bad" - at best.

First, a car is a car is a car. Its construction involves a lot of energy and resources. Most of the time, it will only be parked in a driveway or in the street. If more people got a Zipcar, we wouldn't have 90% of the available cars standing still.

Second, hybrids still consume oil and pollute the environment. They go at the pump just like any other car. And add to that their battery. What will happen with these once hybrids start showing up at the dumps? I never heard of it - which is a good reason to be concerned.

Third, hybrids are not more efficient than all other cars. They're not even always the most efficient car of their category. A Prius doesn't do better than a Civic on highways. The new Lexus hybrid is much worst than most cars - it's even below the national average.

Finally, environment-conscious Europeans haven't embraced hybrids. Why is that? Because there are alternative solutions to dual power with its additional equipment that makes the car heavier... and less efficient.

Let's get over hybrids, back to the main point: we should consume less oil.


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