Monday, November 29, 2004

Right angle

Ignoring information we don't like can be comforting, but I rather have a regular look at the right-wing medias in the States. They're quite unique on a global scale for being so right-wing even though they perceive themselves as one of the two sides of objectivity. Anyway, they're willing to investigate sacred cows of the left and I believe in this "tough love" approach, even for their supporters. The findings of corruption around the Oil-for-Food program, involving up to Kofi Anan's son along with French and Russians officials, are a good example.

No corruption should be tolerated. What message does that send to the Iraqis? Now, one might also hope that such amounts ($150 000) will be seen with perspective. It doesn't mean that the UN system is rotten or that Kofi was a friend of Saddam. But I'm being optimistic here...


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