Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Sky's the limit, but the rocket has no fuel

What can you expect from a city with the most international organisations in the world, the biggest United Nations office, the World Trade Organisation, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the World Health Organisation? A lot.

But Geneva has disappoint me so far.

I don't feel any energy in the city. Once you get out of the international organisations neighbourhood, you're quickly back into the 175,000 persons city that Geneva is. And even in the Nations...

The tremedous potential of this city doesn't seem to be exploited. You'd expect prestigious conferences, lively debates or such but there's nothing. Nothing that I'm aware of, at least. Why is it that we don't get invited in the Palais des Nations every week for a prestigious lecture? Where are all the public figures working in Geneva? Too busy or bored to share? There is a public for these activities since so many came to Geneva to work for those international orgnaisations or the NGOs that have settled here. Even the HELP! exhibition at the Red Cross Museum was a bit disappointing considering the wealth of experience the organisation has in humanitarian affairs.

London was different. London had understood its incredible potential and was using it. A Nobel Prize conference in St. Paul's Cathedral. The head of the World Health Organisation and author of "Our Common Future" at the London School of Economics. Protests against the war in Iraq. But then again, you will say, London is bigger than Geneva. Maybe, but the WHO is here so we could have a lecture too, every now and then.

Not only lectures, but there's much more to be done, stuff that I'm not thinking about right now. I would go to debates, to lunches with IOs taff. What else? Suggestions?


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