Friday, July 21, 2006

This is no Confucius material

Brace yourself.

"It must not be forgotten that in the end ODA [official development assistance - international aid] is implemented for Japan's own sake. In other words, ODA is implemented to enhance the happiness and to raise the profile of Japan and its people in the world (...). ODA is essentially about having other countries first use the precious money of the Japanese people for the benefit of the Japanese people later on. "

Those proud words were said (in a public statement!) by the Japanese Ministry for Foreign Affairs in January 2006.

Let's reflect for a second.

GDP per capita
- Japan: $27,967
- Least developed countries: $1,328

Life expectancy
- Japan: 82
- LDCs: 52.2

Adult literacy rate
- Japan 99%
- LDCs: 54.2%

Infant mortality rate (per 1000)
- Japan: 3
- LDCs: 99

And it goes on and on.

This sickening comment by the minister of one of the richest countries in the world illustrates the fundamental problem of aid: people from developing countries do not vote for politicians in rich countries. Thus, there's no incentive for politicians to care for the fate of developing countries.

All that's left to be done is for voters in rich countries to tell their politicians that they care and that only those who care about international aid will receive their votes. One day (and I can't believe it's not today), politicians will be covered in shame for making comments such as those above.


Update: According to Wikipedia, Taro Aso is in the race to be the next prime minister of Japan. Have a look at his controversial statements...


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