Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Le blog is dead, vive le blog

The raison d'être of this blog has changed. No longer a place for random experimentation, it will be a laboratory for an upcoming blog on political economy. I'm glad I have no reader to disappoint. Starting from here, I can only go up.

This decision stems from a strong sense of frustration with my career. There's no way I can achieve a sense of self-realization on my current path. Abraham Maslow would be ashamed of me. I seldom feel any pride related to my work. I don't use much my capacities.

In the midst of this situation, I received a shock today. I read the biography of Johan Norberg. This guy makes a living of his passion for political economy. It's like I needed to be told it's possible. I also received a message from a good friend of mine who decided out of the blue to visit Cuba on a bike next year (5 points to whoever else mentions Norberg and Cuba in the same paragraph). She wrote "I wasn't conscious of all the energy life has to offer". Let's tap in it, like I use to do.

I decided to start with a blog. I like this technology. It's at hand and let me express my opinions, research results instantly to a certain public (although there's echo on this blog for now). I'll experiment for some time, finding my voice andfavoritee topics. In a few weeks or months, when I'm up to speed and I've figured out the exact direction of this blog, I'll move it to a new location, where I won't be anonymous anymore.

Came the difficult decision of the language in which publish this blog. English is not my native language, but it appeals to more people. Many of my acquaintances are English-speaking. I decided that, even though I might sound less bright ina language that I don't master, it was worth a shot. Also, I jut feel more comfortable discussing this topic in English since I studied it in a British university.

Stay tuned.


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