Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Someone's Jesus said yes

Now that's a surprise to me.

"The million-strong United Church of Christ (UCC) has become the first major US Christian denomination to come out in support of gay marriage." (BBC, July 6th, 2005)

Was I too pessimistic yesterday? If gay marriage becomes legal, it will soon be forgotten that it wasn't and people will be ashamed to admit that they opposed it. Just like those who opposed equal rights for women (well, I hope they're ashamed).

I love this quote:

"On this July 4, the United Church of Christ has courageously acted to declare freedom, affirming marriage equality, affirming the civil rights of gay... couples to have their relationships recognised as marriages by the state, and encouraging our local churches celebrate those marriages," he said at a news conference after the vote.

Yep, what about freedom? I don't hear that argument too often from the opponents to gay marriage.


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