Monday, July 04, 2005

Nouveau bored

My girlfriend has left more than a week ago and it feels like my right arm has gone to Sydney (and I don't live in a city called Sydney). Or New York in this case. Result: I'm a stray cat in Geneva.

I now look forward to busy Mondays even on sunny (not pictured here) but boring Sundays. Sitting by the lake to play guitar or read a book bores me because I don't have much alternative. There's only so many times you can see your friends, especially after spending Thursday, Friday and Saturday with them.

One's network has its own limit in a city where you only live for a year. Since everybody my age is only passing by in Geneva, the group of friends thends to shrink rather than extend as time goes by. In no time, it's going to be me and the Mont Blanc. Some distant friend.


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