Canada: Time for a change?
What if your political dream was true? What if the party you support was in power forever? That's what's happening to Canadian liberals. Their party has been in power for the last 12 years. But numerous scandals have arised in the last year, proving that power corrupts. You would think that the time for a change has come.
The Canadian Liberal Party occupies the center of the the political landscape. To its left, the New Democrats; to its right, the Conservatives. Unlike what happened in the UK, those main opposition parties have not been reformed to move towards the electorate. The New Democrats have stood still and, if anything, the Conservatives have moved further right in the direction of the Reform Party they merged with some time ago.
Changing party is necessary in a democracy, be it only to clean up the system, to remind everybody that we're in a democracy where no one is entitled to power. It can also bring new ideas, reinvigorate your own party during its time in opposition.
This is what is making many Canadian liberals to think about voting for the Conservatives. I believe Canadians should be more patient. Conservatives should be told that they won't be in power as long as they veer so far from the mainstream. Let's wait until the next exlection where conservatives will reconnect with Canada before giving them the right to be in the driver's seat.
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